Card catalogues (access in NL only)
Czech & Slovak periodicals no. 8  i
Foreign language periodicals  no. 9  i  
Availability in the Czech Republic
If you do not find ...
To get more specific data about the searched document, you may use the following sources.

Czech periodicals
Czech National Bibliography i
Czech National ISSN database  i
Czech & Slovak periodicals union ... i 
printed bibliograhies (available in RC)

foreign periodicals
ISSN Compact i

Requested periodicals are not in NL ...
You can use Interlibrary loan service, which  serves for obtaining copies of those documents that are not available in the collections of NL.

phone: +420 221 663 + extension
Main Hall

ext. 248, e-mail:
Periodicals Reading Room
ext. 291, e-mail:
Reference Centre
ext. 201, e-mail:

Find newspapers and journals


Czech and Foreign Periodicals published after 1801 are a part of the Universal Library Collection (UKF). The latest years are available right in the Periodicals Reading Room (Czech and foreign periodicals and Czech newspapers - last 8 years, and foreign newspapers  - last 2 years), preceding years must be ordered by means of catalogues to some of the reading rooms.  For the field of Czech - until 1992 Czechoslovak - production, the NL has, since 1935, legal deposit copies, which are the basis of the National Archival Collection (NKF). Continuously, the Collection of the 19th century is built up, which includes periodicals published between 1801 and 1900 on the territory of the Czech Lands. Information on incorporating a periodical into the Collection of the 19th century is continuously supplied into the online catalogue - NKC base. This collection is accessible in the Hostivař Central Depository. The endangered periodicals are gradually digitized and made accessible in the System Kramerius .

Periodicals published before 1800 are kept in the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Reading Room



Online sources

We recommend to search the requested journals and newspapers in the following online sources, in case you did not succeed in finding the searched  journals and newspapers in any of the given sources  you can check card catalogues mentioned in column on the right side.


Online NL catalogue  - base NKC/Serials searching i
The words typed-in  are searched in various fields of the record, more exact wording of the query can be put directly in the base NKC/Serials.


Scanned General catalogues I,II and III searching (catalogues contain data up to 1995) i

Digital Library- System Kramerius searching i
Kramerius contains in digital form selected older newspapers and journals and other valuable documents printed on an acidic paper.

