Slovanská knihovna
Slavistics in the Czech Republic
Database of Czech Slavists

Electronic database
WHO IS WHO in Czech Slavonic Studies
Database of the International Congress of Slavists
New acquisitions

Electronic quarterly journal
New acquisitions of Slavonic studies publications

The Slavonic Library


The Slavonic Library is a public academic library specialising in the field of Slavistics. The library systematically enlarges, processes, preserves and provides public access to Slavistic publications in the fields of history, philology, and political sciences, as well as selected poetry and fiction. Information services cover the political, economic, and cultural life of Slavonic nations as well as their mutual relations with other countries past and present. The library also processes and edits specialised bibliographies and research publications, and together with other libraries and academic institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad organizes topical seminars and conferences. Regular cultural events take place to highlight areas of the collection. In response to the International Committee of Slavists, the Slavonic Library also has established a centre for materials of the International Congresses of Slavists. 

Reading Room – open stacks  Lending Room Reading Room Lending Room

Information and Services 
About the Library 
Catalogues and Databases 


 Academic Projects and Activities

Quick search in on-line catalogue of the Slavonic Library - the database SLK i
The entries are searched in all fields of the record, for advanced search go directly to the database SLK.






Lukáš Babka
