Card catalogues (access in NL only)
Sound documents catalogue i
Availability in the Czech Republic
If you do not find ...
To get more specific data about the searched sound documents, you may use the following sources.

Czech National Bibliography i
Requested sound documents are not in NL ...
You can use Interlibrary loan service, which  serves for obtaining those documents that are not available in the collections of NL.

phone: +420 221 663 + extension
Main Hall
ext. 248, e-mail:
Social and Natural Sciences Read. R.
ext. 146, e-mail:
Music Department
ext: 254, 255, e-mail:

Find sound recordings

Sound documents in the National Library are available on gramophone records, audiocassettes, and CDs. All sound documents may only be used in the NL reading rooms.


Online sources

We recommend to search the requested sound documents in the following online sources, in case you did not succeed in finding the searched sound documents in any of the given sources  you can check card catalogue  mentioned in column on the right side.

NL catalogue  - base NKC/Sound recording searching  i
The words typed-in  are searched in various fields of the record, more exact wording of the query can be put directly in the base NKC/Sound recordings.










