Basic services in the National Library of the Czech Republic 1992-2001 
(provided by the Readers Services and Periodical Department)

Categories 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Number I Number I Number I Number I Number I Number I Number I Number I Number I Number I
Registered loans (all home loans, loans to the reading rooms, including loans for library provided photoduplication and ILL) 455 127 100 431 884 95 443 044 97 463 548 102 463 193 102 537 284 118 483 143 106 489 141 107 483 607 106 543 537 119
Registered users (all new library cards, renewed library cards and monthly passes) 26 954 100 18 066 67 35 751 133 24 194 90 26 028 97 27 881 103 27 430 102 34 124 127 47 200 175 44 059 163
Library usage (users of reading rooms, including participants in educational activities, professional meetings and seminars) 477 136 100 435 139 91 447 361 94 450 434 94 715 836 150 700 741 147 593 709 124 761 123 160 673 844 141 638 544 134
Information services (all registered bibliographic information, i.e. bibliographic information from union catalogues, bibliographic comments for users, individual items in user ordered researches) 82 949 100 142 399 172 149 815 180 171 503 207 133 916 161 131 455 158 135 082 163 157 252 190 169 671 205 152 869 184
Electronic resources research (including combined researches and SDI requests) 92 100 169 184 295 320 310 337 230 250 126 137 132 143 92 100 83 90 52 57
Requests for library materials handed in the Main Hall in 195 000 100 166 251 85 170 067 87 158 342 81 212 151 109 285 889 146 264 619 136 377 530 194 228 126 117 265 546 136
filled requests 171 841 100 133 544 78 127 501 74 119 077 69 150 960 88 200 714 117 208 461 121 286 966 167 204 604  119 232 635 135
Filled requests in percentage points 88% 80% 75% 75% 71% 70% 79% 76% 90% 88%
ILL requests 15 407 100 14 060 91 15 050 98 16 099 104 17 968 116 19 508 126 23 090 150 37 211 242 27 210 177 22 520 146
out of which ordered abroad 1 151 100 1 506 130 2 169 188 2 667 232 3 286 285 4 793 416 5 806 504 8 320 723 9 901 860 6 883 598
Reservations (notes about reserved items sent out by mail) 1 485 100 1 179 79 1 196 80 1 397 94 1 411 95 1 626 123 4 314 290 4 852 327 20 040 1 350 136 263 9 176
Overdue notices sent through the lawyer's office 109 100 86 79 120 110 116 106 100 92 110 101 201 184 110 101 45 41 159 146
Photocopies made on-self-service machines 233 350 100 300 945 129 368 029 157 385 784 165 379 862 163 576 370 247 603 896 259 560 798 240 529 483 227 478 344 205