Subject groups Total number of titles

first editions only

Books Pamphlets Total Books Pamphlets Total
1. Generalities 344 98 442 316 97 413
2. Philosophy, psychology 347 10 357 310 9 319
3. Religion, theology 344 71 415 310 66 376
4. Sociology, statistics 295 113 408 275 112 387
5. Politics, economy 584 117 701 525 115 640
6. Law, public administration, social relief
and welfare, insurance
583 68 651 469 59 528
7. Military art and science 52 16 68 46 16 62
8. Education, teacher training, leisure 458 208 666 407 194 601
9. Trade, communication, transport, tourism 301 110 411 255 102 357
10. Ethnografy, cultural anthropology
(customs, folklore, mores, tradition)
44 4 48 42 4 46
11. Philology, languages, linguistics 309 34 343 244 26 270
12. Mathematics 606 53 659 513 50 563
13. Natural science 584 110 694 457 110 567
14. Medical sciences, public health 465 77 542 412 69 481
15. Engineering, technology, industries
trades and crafts
578 118 696 484 108 592
16. Agriculture, forestry,
stockbreeding, hunting and fisheries
244 59 303 228 58 286
17. Domestic science 231 40 271 210 38 248
18. Management, administration and organization 275 35 310 225 33 258
19. Physical planning, town and country
planning, architecture
187 51 238 176 51 227
20. Plastic and graphic arts, photography 231 134 365 217 131 348
21. Music, performing arts, theatre, film and cinema 163 62 225 146 61 207
22. Games and sports 138 34 172 122 31 153
23. a) History of literature and literary criticism 180 9 189 160 8 168
b) Literary texts 3019 586 3605 2644 522 3166
24. Geography 131 17 148 115 16 131
25. History, biography 1222 129 1351 1104 127 1231
Total 11915 2363 14278 10412 2213 12625

out of

School textbooks 246 65 311 176 57 233
Children's books 296 290 586 225 260 485
University textbooks 1188 79 1267 889 72 961