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Digital Library | Analytical Bibliographic Records as a Gateway to Full Texts of Documents |
Development of the CASLIN Union Catalogue | Union Database of the Co-operative System of Bibliography of Articles from Periodicals | Preparation of Thematic Catalogues of Historical Music Collections | Access to the Holdings of Large Czech Libraries: NL | Uniform Information Gateway for Hybrid Libraries | Development of Protective Boxes |

Czech Terminological Database for Library and Information Science | OCLC First Search Service | Access to Full Text Databases | Reference Centre of the NLOptimization of the Structure of Information Resources in the Library of Library Science in the NL | Newspaper Collection of the Slavonic Library |
VISK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Long-term Research and Technology Development Programmes

Digital Library – production, preservation, and access to digital documents

Funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Adolf Knoll
URL: ,

The works concentrated on better tuning of the production lines of digital documents both in the area of digitization of manuscripts (development of a special tool for validation of bibliographic descriptions in DTD MASTER) and in the area of preparation of metadata for periodicals incl. their automated generation (to be completed in 2003). The capacity of the pre-cache disk arrays of the digital library was enhanced and new Oracle licenses purchased. Analytical preparatory works for joining the EU project VICODI were made as well as works on migration of data of digitized manuscripts into the new DTD; in 2002, only on the level of the bibliographic record ( In addition, the storage capacity of the robotic library was enlarged.


Analytical Bibliographic Records as a Gateway to Full Texts of Documents

Funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Ivana Anděrová

Conceptual questions were solved in relationship to processing of and access to full texts in the COSABI Co-operation System of Bibliography of Articles from Periodicals. The automatic indexing of documents was preferred for generation of descriptive metadata. The works on linking to national authority files during processing of full texts started and new institutions joined the project. New topics were defined in the ANL FULL database and the annual Internet license and technical support for the TOPIC system were purchased. Bibliographic records from the ANL database were linked to freely available texts on the web (ca. 1,060 records).


Development of the CASLIN Union Catalogue

Funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Eva Svobodová

Since May 2002, preparatory works were being done for transfer of the Union Catalogue under the ALEPH 500 system. Even after that, the data import module of the former CUBUS system will continue to be used, because of its qualities to handle duplicate records. In addition, new program tools have been prepared to guarantee daily data conversion routines from CUBUS into ALEPH and vice versa. Their testing has been postponed due to the delayed delivery of the new ALEPH server.


Research and Technology Development Projects

Union Database of the Co-operative System of Bibliography of Articles form Periodicals - Optimization of Integration and Management of Heterogeneous Data

Funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Ivana Anděrová

A pilot system of acquisition and workflow of automated extraction of metadata was put into operation to create bibliographic records from full texts and to import files for the bibliographic and full text databases. The metadata creation was based on automatic generation of Dublin Core in HTML, XHTML, and XML. Ca. 13,000 bibliographic records and full texts were loaded to the databases. Bibliographic records were published in the Czech National Bibliography. The portal (subject and regional structure) for free texts on Internet was extended and links from the ANL database records to free full texts provided. New design of the server was completed. An application for download and export of full texts with metadata in several formats (text, rtf, html, UNICODE, and XML) was put into operation as well as an application for administration (statistics, corrections, and users) of ANL FULL database. The analysis of topics was done and the topics were updated. An application for management of the co-operative system was tested and optimized (MNG COSABI). A new interface for MNG COSABI was implemented as well as upgrade of the anl.nkp.server upgraded.


Preparation of Thematic Catalogues of Historical Music Collections Preserved on the Territory of Bohemia and Moravia

Funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Zuzana Petrášková

The work continued in processing the following thematic catalogues:

· National Library of the Czech Republic – collection of P. Barnabáš Weiss and collection of the Strachota teacher family

· Archive of the Prague Conservatory – Schönborn-Lobkowicz collection

· Moravian Museum – Department of the Music History – collection of the Blížkovice church near to Moravské Budějovice.

The catalogue records were completed with archival information that would be necessary for further editorial work. The collections were assessed from the musicological and historical points of view as well as from that of their regional provenance. The Music Department co-ordinated the individual centres thanks to the information richness of the Union Music Catalogue and the RISM CD-ROM. The utilization of the two information resources kept growing and thus the regular activity of the Music Department was closely connected to the project.


Access to the Holdings of Big Czech Libraries: National Library of the Czech Republic

Funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Bohdana Stoklasová
URL: ,

The 2002 schedule expected programming of tools for mapping and sorting of collections stored in different Czech libraries [via their catalogues]. The development and testing of the software resulted in a new and more powerful version of the RIS [Information system for retrospective conversion] system enabling to trace different phases of retrospective conversion including their graphic interpretations. Czech libraries were offered the possibility of ordering retrospective conversion of particular records directly from the National Library to save their own human resources. The graphic design of the retrospective conversion web pages was changed and the content was enriched; in addition, their English version was made available.


Uniform Information Gateway for Hybrid Libraries

Funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Bohdana Stoklasová

In the beginning of 2002, the Uniform Information Gateway [UIG] was opened to users. According to the goals and schedule written in the project it was intended to be a pilot project focused mainly on serving a common group of users coming from both participating institutions – National Library and Charles University, but thanks to successful testing it was opened for outside users, too. The UIG became extremely popular and highly used from the very beginning. Almost all large Czech libraries and union catalogues – and also the two largest Slovak libraries with their union catalogues - joined it in 2002. In 2002, much more was achieved than expected – the pilot project of the two institutions grew into the national and international ones. But this was just the first line of the project – implementing of foreign technical tools and standards for the UIG. The second one – preparing pre-conditions for the best UIG functionality in Czech library environment – was completed by the Conspectus method application in the National Library and through preparation of guidelines for other Czech libraries. Subject authorities will be linked to Conspectus data that will enable – thanks to the applied UDC-DDC concordance – seamless parallel searching in both Czech and foreign information resources including subject gateways.


Development of Protective Boxes for Endangered Library Holdings

Funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Františka Vrbenská

New type of archival cardboard was developed. It started to be produced by Czech paper mills. New technology of production of protective boxes was prepared for application on cutting plotter. In addition a new design of protective envelopes was developed as well as a special measuring scanner. The quality of the new cardboard was confirmed through the tests made by the specialists from the State Central Archives and from SYNPO Institute in Pardubice.


Czech Terminological Database for Library and Information Science

Funding: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Miroslav Ressler

The basic goal of the project was to create a Czech terminological database for library and information science, the output of which would also be a list of terms published on Internet for the larger public. Twenty authors from the whole Czech Republic took part in selection and preparation of entries. The result is a database containing records with explanations, revised by specialists in various domains from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The fully functional database contains 4,180 terms, 2,800 database entries, and 3,330 English equivalents.


OCLC First Search Service

Funding: Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Hanuš Hemola

The project aims to provide access to OCLC FirstSearch Service with full texts (OCLC Base Package with Full Text) for ten largest libraries in the Czech Republic. The primary goal is to procure equal access to this service for scientists and scholars from research and development institutions in all regions of the country and to tie this service with direct connection to ILL services. The goal of the project is not only to have a four-year access to the service but also to evaluate its efficiency and benefit regularly. The providing libraries foresee to form a consortium, which would secure access to these services after the termination of the project.


Access to Fulltext Databases of Professional Foreign Periodicals on the Basis of The Open Society Institute EIFL Direct programme

Funding: Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Hana Nová

In 2002, new libraries joined the project and the number of registered libraries grew up to 275. Usage statistics of EBSCO databases for each library were published constantly on the project web site. The project was presented in professional journals and during conferences and workshops. The EBSCO Company completed databases with more than two thousand additional new titles. Further reference sources were added and also access to new databases – ERIC and Agricola – was provided.


Reference Centre of the National Library of the Czech Republic – Gate to the World of Information

Funding: Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Hanuš Hemola

The aim of the project is to secure further development of the Reference Centre and to realize its main mission – to facilitate services from local and remote resources for local and remote users alike. Under this project the infrastructure of the Reference Centre was improved and the offer of information resources enriched. Rationalization and upgrade of ILL services through resource sharing were ensured via web and document delivery services both in traditional and electronic formats.


Optimization of the Structure of Information Resources in the Library of Library Science in the National Library of the Czech Republic 

Funding: Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Miroslav Ressler

The fundamental information resources for the library and information science were ordered for 2003: Library and Information Science Abstracts – LISA from Great Britain and Library Literature and Information Science – LLIS from USA, and completed with the American database Information Science Abstracts – ISA, which – among others – contains the highest number of electronic periodicals from this area. These three world databases will be used especially for documentation and analytic works in the library. In addition, other important documents were ordered. In 2003, the stress will be put on acquisition of the above resources LLIS, and ISA as well as on targeted preparation of analyses for project administrators, translation activity for users, and more intensive provision of electronic access to databases for users.


Newspaper Collection of the Slavonic Library: Completing, Cataloguing, and Microfilming a Part of the Collection of the Former Russian Historical Archive Abroad

Funding: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Main researcher: Eva Sokolová

The aim of the project is to complete, catalogue, and microfilm the endangered unique newspaper collection of the former Russian Historical Archive Abroad, which is a part of the holdings of the Slavonic Library. In 2002, 50,000 newspaper pages were filmed (52 microfilms rolls and ca. 220 newspaper titles). The titles were also catalogued in the ALEPH system. The two-generation archival copies were produced, while user copies will be available in the Slavonic Library for public use.


IDAP (Improved Damage Assessment of Parchment)

Funding: European Commission, Fifth Framework Programme
Project manager in the National Library of the Czech Republic: Jiří Vnouček
Status of the National Library of the Czech Republic in the project: Main Participant
Main project manager: Rector René Larsen, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark

The project aims at three main goals: assessment of the parchment damage through visual non-destructive methods, creation of a preventive warning system based on estimation of parchment damage, and preparation of an atlas of parchment damages in digital form. Another part of the project is the monitoring of hydrothermal properties of parchments


VICODI (Visual Contextualization of Digital Content)

Funding: European Commission, Fifth Framework Programme
Project manager in the National Library of the Czech Republic: Zdeněk Uhlíř
Status of the National Library of the Czech Republic in the project: Main Participant
Main project manager: Edvins Snore, RIDEMO, Riga Latvia

The goal of the project is to create technological prototype and a methodological model for the European historical web and to build basics for trans-national contextual understanding of the European history through integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary resources and documents. In 2002, administrative preparations took place as well as introductory discussion to formulate the main areas to be solved.



Funding: European Commission, Fifth Framework Programme
Country co-ordinator: Miroslav Ressler
Status of the National Library of the Czech Republic in the project: Participant in the PULMAN European network
Main project manager: Jan Van Vaereenbergh, Stad Antwerpen, Belgium
Representation of the National Library of the Czech Republic in the Virtual Advisory Board of the project: Adolf Knoll

From the point of view of the national participation, the main attention was paid to translation of recommendations of the PULMAN project for public libraries. The national profile of the Czech Republic was updated and a national PULMAN seminar organized. In the European dimension, the project aimed to mobilize individuals and institutions – especially politicians – for creation of optimal conditions for work of public libraries and their co-operation with museums and archives. The PULMAN recommendations have been translated into most European languages and they offer practical advice for work of public libraries in several areas incl. work with users and solution of many technological problems. For the last year, the project was enhanced with the PULMAN-XT initiative that contained also other European countries outside of EU member, candidate, and associated states.


Public Information Services of Libraries (VISK)

The Public Information Services of Libraries (VISK) is a programme of the Ministry of Culture. It contains nine sub-programmes in which Czech institutions can take part with their projects on basis of calls for proposals. The programme is co-ordinated by specialists from the National Library of the Czech Republic.


Co-ordination Centre of the VISK Programme
Administrator: Vít Richter

The co-ordination centre carried out all special, administrative, and co-ordination activities related to implementation of VISK in 2002. This work concerned realization of the State Information Policy, update of content and goals of the programme, organisational leadership of boards of specialists in individual sub-programmes, and processing of data concerning results of two calls for proposals. The centre was active also in the presentation and publicity area concerning the programme.



Advanced Training of Librarians
Administrator: Zlata Houšková

The National Library realized three projects that concerned the training courses as follows: Basic Information Literacy in which 313 librarians from different types of libraries acquired knowledge and basic skills at work with ICT. Within this project seven modules were taught: Basic ICT Terms, ABC Work with PC and File Management, MS Word Editor, Spreadsheet Program (Excel), Databases (Access), PowerPoint Presentation and Information Network (Internet). There are still hundreds of librarians interested in the training courses. The cycle Electronic Information Resources and Databases contained following topics: CASLIN Uniform Information Gateway, Archiving of and Long-term Access to Electronic Documents, Electronic Information Resources for Library Science, Weblog – Future of Publishing and Information Retrieval on Internet, Economic Information Resources, and Biographic On-line Resources. 439 librarians and information specialists attended the seminars.



WebArchiv - building conditions for providing access to Czech web resources
Administrator: Ludmila Celbová

The aim of the project was to build basic conditions for starting WebArchiv operation, concerning technical, library, and legislative issues. Harvesting of the started and necessary modifications of the harvesting software were made. A draft agreement with on-line publishers was prepared to fill in the gap in the legal deposit legislation. Necessary negotiations with publishers were initiated.



Digital Library
Administrator: Jiří Polišenský

The main task of the Digital Library is to create, archive and provide access to documents produced in the two national digitization programmes Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica and Kramerius. The libraries whose projects are selected for realization receive digital copies of documents on physical media (CD or DVD), while archiving storage is ensured on CD-R or in magnetic tape robotic library in the Central Depository in Hostivař. The funds of VISK 4 cover especially maintenance of equipment that is used for creation and archiving of digital documents, access provision, data transfer, or enlargement of storage capacities.



Retrospective Conversion of the General Catalogues of the National Library of the Czech Republic
Administrator: Bohdana Stoklasová

The project was divided into three parts:

· General Catalogue of the Universal library collection II – the goal was full retrospective conversion (UNIMARC) of 67,855 records. The records representing the highly used part of the collection got main priority, while those representing the less frequently used documents were excluded and remained accessible only as digital images.

· General Catalogue of the Universal library collection I – the methodology of retrospective conversion of old printed books records was completed, as the RETROCON technology had been modified to meet the special demands of old printed books. 1,200 UNIMARC records were created.

· General Catalogue of the Slavonic library: 15,000 full UNIMARC records were created. The retrospective conversion covered the records in both Latin a Cyrillic – hand-written and typed – scripts.


Retrospective Conversion of the Union Catalogue of Foreign Periodicals: the oldest part 1527-1964
Administrator: Eva Svobodová

Due to financial limits, only 9,893 records were converted from which 4,592 records were edited, 4,204 records were newly imported and additional data about owners and years of subscription were added to 1,097 records, taken from ISSN Compact. The rest of 4,200 records were fully processed by cataloguers of the Union Catalogue Department. The records were imported into the Union Catalogue of Foreign Periodicals, which is available on the Internet. The entries H – S were completed so that the titles are now available in the Union Catalogue with full data about location of periodicals and about their status in individual collections, covering thus the whole Czech Republic.



Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica – digitization of manuscripts of the National Library of the Czech Republic in 2002
Administrator: Adolf Knoll

Altogether 99 manuscripts were digitized, i.e. 46,394 pages. The records of digitized manuscripts under the whole VISK 6 programme are accessible from a new database at the URL Works have been started to make fast access to digitized manuscripts available to authorized users so that it can be offered from the above-mentioned database during 2003. At present, ca. 400,000 pages of rare documents, especially manuscripts are digitally available (another 140,000 pages of historical textbooks had been digitized two years ago in lower quality).



Administrator: Jiří Polišenský

Partly or completely, 35 titles of Bohemical periodicals were filmed within nine approved projects. The National Library guarantees also archival storage of microfilm and digitized documents for the participating institutions. The records of digitized periodicals are added to the list of reformatted titles (CZROMM) and they will be delivered to the European EROMM database. The work on projects was hindered by August floods, which affected the company engaged in editing of image data. The Kramerius programme was supplemented with a work package concerning production of protective boxes for reformatted documents. This was possible thanks to the finalized research and development project concentrated on this topic. Thus, libraries received not only digital copies on CD-R, but in addition their damaged volumes were boxed in permanent archival cardboard. The floods proved that the boxes protected the documents even in case of water damage, as they were able to diminish the volume of water penetration directly into the paper block and to save the documents from rough contamination.



On-line Service KnowEurope
Administrator: Hana Nová

Czech libraries had access to online database KnowEurope through national license in the framework of the project Service KnowEurope. Over 360 libraries and institutions of government administration were registered. Training courses were organized and more than 200 librarians were trained. The project was presented in professional journals and at conferences and workshops. The project web site was created and information materials and tools for searching prepared.


Uniform Information Gateway on National Level and Access to National Library Resources
Administrator: Bohdana Stoklasová

Greater part of large Czech libraries and union catalogues were included into the information gateway. Also the two largest Slovak libraries – Slovak National Library and University library in Bratislava – together with their union catalogues joined it. The gateway covers many foreign and international resources. Printed and electronic information resources catalogued at the National Library were also included. Close connection of the gateway to the WebArchiv project was established. Methodology for creation of Czech subject gateways with the aim to integrate them into international context was prepared. Subject authority files were enriched with English equivalents and further work was going on in the field of definition of UDC-DDC concordance.



Development of the CASLIN - Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic
Administrator: Eva Svobodová

In 2002, the Union Catalogue operated under the CUBUS system and simultaneously preparatory works started for its transfer under ALEPH 500. These works included update of ca. three million records for Czech and foreign books, periodicals, and special documents. The aim was to improve the quality of records and to remove duplicates. A new server, necessary for adequate functioning of the catalogue in the new environment, was bought towards the end of 2002. Its purchase was partly covered from this project resources.


Co-operative Creation and Utilization of National Authority Files
Administrator: Zdeněk Bartl

The project aimed at co-operation of Czech libraries on creation and utilization of national authority files, unification of selection terms, and substantial rationalization of processing of documents in participating institutions. The basic functional model of cataloguing of authority records was created and tested in the end of 2001. Together with the National Library other 25 libraries participated in the project from which 12 joined it in 2002. Most libraries – which have not the Aleph library information system – used Z39.50 communication protocol for on-line communication with the database of national authority files. They used the project also for removal of duplicate records in indices of selection terms and for harmonization of local authority files with the national database. The model of co-operative shared cataloguing itself proved as fully functional and suitable for the needs of libraries. The creation and utilization of national authority files became an integral component part of the document processing procedures through facilitating the daily cataloguing work.
